
School project


Brand Identity




Illustrator | Photoshop | After effect

Neghittoso: The naming and development of the exhibition concept.

Neghittoso is an exhibition on uselessness, designed to be hosted at the Mudec in Milan; it is a path dedicated to all things deemed useless. The visitors will embark on a journey through human perception, starting from the static displays of everyday objects deprived of their usefulness, then moving on to works of art including the Dadaism ones.

As we enter the exhibition, there will increasingly be interactive and engaging experiences, and step by step we become aware that the object of the exhibition itself is actually us, on the occasions when we live only for ourselves;

on the other side, we are useful from the moment we begin to no longer focus only on ourselves but also on our neighbors and on the world. The corporate identity of the exhibition therefore, wants to appear as something frivolous and amusing; from this mood we made a deep research that led us to the naming “Neghittoso”, a word no longer popular in our lexicon, almost unused, but with a meaning inherent to the final message of the exhibition: Neghittoso is the man “Overwhelmed by laziness and negligence “, one who is useless to society.