School project
Brand Identity

Illustrator | Photoshop | After Effect

The Rabbit hole wants to bring sex to a hole new level.

The project was carried out following a line of values: Sobriety, Innovation and safety.

The idea was to create a brand that could differ from all the others sex shops that today’s society has accustomed us to. Many people tend to have a distorted and very vulgar view, but they shouldn’t; times are changing and people should start to have a different approach to the topic. No one should feel embarrassed or ashamed of themselves for wanting to enter a sex shop or simply because they are curious about it.

This is exact mission of “The Rabbit Hole”: creating an environment where no one will be afraid to enter or to be judged negatively by others; an environment where both women and men can feel equally safe and comfortable.

For the realization of the logo were used two simple elements that are clearly but not brazenly linked to sex; the first one is the rabbit, a renowned symbol of Playboy magazine, and the figure of the circle, which will then compose the name itself. (The rabbit Hole)